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Transformational Generative Grammar 转换生成句法

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X-bar theory


[The big book of poems with the blue cover] is on the table.




  • The big one with the blue cover is on the table
  • The big one of poems with the blue cover is on the table
  • The big book of poems with the blue one is on the table
  • I bought the big book of poems with the blue cover but not that one
  • I bought the book of poems with the blue cover but not that one with the red cover

用one-replacement探测限定词之间的距离关系(动词用did so/did too)

  • 如果两个成分之间不能插入one说明关系更近
  • 如果两个成分可以被一个one替代说明关系更近
Mika loved the policeman intensively.
Susan did so half-heartedly.
*Susan did so the baker.
graph TD
  NP --> D
    D --> the
    NP --> N1
    N1 --> AdjP
    AdjP --> big
    N1 --> N2
    N2 --> N3
    N2 --> PP1
    N3 --> N
    N --> book
    N3 --> PP2
    PP2 --> of_poems
    PP1 --> with_the_blue_cover

加入了bar level,book与of poems构成一个中间投射X-bar,构成一个constituent。使得每个句子都能被画成一个二叉树形式

生成句法学派:上世纪五十年代。classical theory and standard theory。1988年提出了government and binding theory。lexicon, D-S, S-S, PF, LF



N-bar theory认为可以都变成二叉树


NP -> Det N'
N' -> AP N'
N' -> N PP



VP -> V'   // 预留一个位置给潜在的specifier,即使没有
V' -> AdvP V' | V' PP | V' AdvP
V' -> V(NP)


AdjP -> Adj'
Adj' -> (AdvP) Adj' | Adj' (AdvP)
Adj' -> Adj(PP)


PP -> P'
P' -> P'(PP) | (AdvP)P'
P' -> P(NP)

中心词X → 中间投射X’ → 最大投射XP。不能直接到XP,一定要有中间投射

Parameter of Word Orders 管约论, 原则与参数理论


specifier和complement可以出现在其sister的两侧,这种投射的左右区别被称为parameter setting


  • 首先界定成分在X-bar框架中的句法位置,即complement & adjunct & specifier & head
  • 先找到head(以及其sister complement成分),注意complement & adjunct(& specifier)必须也要是独立的XP成分,不能是一个单独的X
  • 按照head → complement → adjunct → specifier 的顺序画树
  • Even if there is no specifier, put an XP on top of the projection. This indicates that there are no more modifiers of the head X.
  • Keep in mind that none of the X-bar rules are optional. This indicates that there are no more modifiers of the head X.

Head Movement 中心语移位

head movement: movement from a head to another head position


- 一个句法结构具有两种reading

shortest movement

shortest: let the path of a movement be the set of nodes that dominate the original position of the moved item, and do not dominate the leading site.